First of all they are ALL Mens Rights supporters. Any women you see posting there that have lasted more than a day are all second wives only intent of fighting the ex wife to either get the kids or reduce the child support.
The Shared Parenting Council of Australia owns and the S.P.C.A. are an amalgamation of various MENS RIGHTS GROUPS set up a few years ago.
They are not mother friendly and actively campaign to take children off mothers and to reduce CHILD SUPPORT for children. In other words, not nice people at all.
They set up because they got funding from the government in excess of $750,000. That is why they try to pretend it is a family friendly site instead of the woman hating secret agenda that they do have.
Some of the main posters are:
- Agog and Sisyphus are both user names of Michael Green president of Shared Parenting Council of Australia. He is really abrasive and cannot hide his arrogance or derision for women. He is an ex QC who still likes to create the impression that he is still one. He has a mediation practice in Sydney and we question his impartiality.
- Oneringrules and Secretary SPCA are both user names of Wayne Butler who is Secretary of Shared Parenting Council. He owns the website and is very bitter about women probably due to allegations his ex wife made about him regarding his child. Outcome unknown. He is not the brightest spark and doesn't usually read a post very well and gets it wrong a lot of the time. His manner is quite patronising.
- MikeT is Mike Taylor and IT worker from south of Sydney who also does not know how to read. Has set himself up as the self professed expert on Child Support legislation but that mainly consists of cutting and pasting excerpts from the act.
- Dad4Life and Matrix are both Lindsay Jackel who is Victorian Director of SPCA and key member of Dads On The Air. Absolutely hates women most likely due to his ex wife leaving him to commence a relationship with another woman. Also hates homosexuals.
- Director SPCA is Ed Dabrowski who is Director of SPCA and very active in fathers rights mainly in Western Australia.
- Nemos Mum is Coral Slattery a grandma who is also a member of the Shared Parenting Council of Australia and a grandmother who supports mens rights.
- Styx is a guy called Peter who lives in Melbourne and chooses not to work so he doesn't have to pay child support. He is also very active on Dads Of The Air.
- Vascopajama is Simon Hunt a crazy nutter who has been banned from seeing his child until she is an adult. He spreads his lies all over the net about how the court stole his child and yet it is his own actions that have prevented him from seeing his daughter.
- Monster is a young girl who lives near Sydney who is currently pregnant by deceiving her partner and who also chooses to fight her partner's battle against his ex partner. He has a 4 year old son. Not very bright and they easily manipulate her. She has taken to attacking mothers on familylawwebguide in support of the men on that group. She seems to be desperate for their approval.
- Artemis is also a second wife from Queensland who chooses the forum to denigrate her husbands ex partner. She was once a single mother herself in receipt of benefits but now chooses to join the men in their fight against mothers.
- Monteverdi is Mike from Sydney also a staunch Mens Rights supporter.
- Conan and Viking are both user names of Peter Saxon from Sydney also another supporter of Mens Rights and also associated with D.O.T.A. and D.I.D.S.
- D4E is a total drip and again a mens rights supporter. Whines on and on about himself and never makes any sense. You can pretty much discount all of his posts. Very anti mother.
As you can see there aren't any pro mother or pro family members that post regularly. We have information on most of the posters there so if there is someone who you want to know about just let us know.