Tuesday, March 31, 2009

SPCA admits they are against Mothers


Of course Wayne Butler (who himself has been accused of sexual abuse of his own son) would applaud this.
Hang on a minute though, isn't Wayne Butler Secretary of the SHARED Parenting Council of Australia? And yet here he is applauding SOLE custody being awarded to FATHER? Something just doesn't smell right here...oh that's it, it's because it's a FATHER that got SHARED PARENTING! Not a mother but a father! How embarassing Wayne to have your true agenda revealed in THE AUSTRALIAN newspaper for all to see. In your eagerness to crow about a meagre victory you forgot to conceal your secret agenda. It's going to be hard to recover from that one especially in regard to sucking up to the AG and brown nosing the government like you do (snivelling LITTLE man that you are).

And Barry Williams constantly bandies around vague terms of "dealing with suicidal people every week" but never actually puts out firm figures...hmmm. And if there are so many potentially suicidal fathers out there and direct research indicates that suicidal thoughts are the result of varying degrees of mental incapacity surely the only conclusion is that he is dealing with a lot of mentally ill fathers and a history suggests that a proportion of those are potential child and family murderers?

Barry Williams surely you must have concerns that so many mentally ill fathers are coming to you and you must admit that if a father is suicidal then he really has no place looking after children and poses more than a significant threat to any child whether it be by direct violence or less direct means.

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