Thursday, December 25, 2008

Shared Parenting Views of a father who relies on government support

D4E wrote on in regard to Shared Parenting..

"I'm of the opinion that although it is not for everyone it could be viable for a lot more if the importance was put more on the children's welfare with regards to stability in all areas.

If it became accepted that both parents have equal importance just in differing ways and we exiled the old detrimental way of thinking that dad is the bread winner and mums stays home, kicking this out of the family law system whilst highlighting that these days this is not the norm it will go a long way.

Encourage fathers to be father and mothers to share for their children, once this becomes socially acceptable then we will not adopt the mistaken view that dads need to work harder to provide money when they should be working less to provide a father.

Mind these are just some random thoughts and even then it will still not be for everyone just easier for those who do want it. "

So D4E the fact that you rely on the government to keep you and provide for your child doesn't matter? No wonder you think it's a mistake for fathers to work harder to provide for the children. Keep your random thoughts to yourself and get off the internet and contribute to society. Loser.

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