Sunday, January 11, 2009

Update on Acep74 and why she doesn't work.

She/he wrote:

"Well got new estimate today as hubby has done tax.... now they would like $450 a month for CSA ... dont have to pay yet till old agreement ends in november , but its still taking its effect on me.

How in the hell can my hubby support 4 kids on his wage plus the sd's,? 2 of our kids have special needs, i dont work at present as our bs is waiting on groments and comes home from school regular sick, and hubby being in the army could be called away unexpeceted, at the new unit he will be away quite alot.... this is so !#*#! so what do i do? my letters i sent out , some officails have replyed that they cant help, i'll re-write them and send them again , someone will get sick of me and hopefully help. There must be men or women in the goverment who have had some of these issues why cant someone stand up and make a noise too. Media shows dont want to hwlp either, but this is a topic world wide even though different goverments run each country but there is unfair advantage out there which usually equals screwing the man who does the right thing!"

$450 a month is not the $6700 he/she (sometimes she, Mandy writes and other times Eddie writes)was spouting on familylawebguide.

Here she states that the new agreement starts in November 08 so they have only just started paying that if they have paid Child Support.

Acep74 says she can't work because her kids have special needs and yet here she offers up that the reason she doesn't work is that the child needs grommets and comes home sick sometimes. That does not mean "special needs"!

Both her and her husband have posted their garbage all over the net whining about having to pay child support and he tells his friends on D.O.T.A. it's because she has melt downs over it. He needs to man up.

1 comment:

divorce doctor said...

my friend,

FatArse espec is a past master with glove puppets, and this one sounds same as Snivelling Partner from the good old DOTA days.

They are to stir up the mushrooms and best way IMHO is just let them die a natural death.

after all, there appear to be very few mushrooms visiting the forum at all, especially as they are blocked from having a say, or abused by mods