Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wayne Butler Snivels again

Wayne Butler and his comments regarding this site:

Secretary Spca said

"This post sums up the situation we continuously face with the anonymous detractors and soothsayers of doom who draw on much strength from the place of anonymity and dark places they live, never coming forward to validate a view. The fact is that a new age has dawned of positive engagement and consultation, of change and progress... and some dislike the new found rules. Those of us who stand in their way of turning the clock back pay a huge price through vile and filthy comments that spew forth from their evil diatribe. There is one consolation we all take heart from and that is these anonymous cretins can never contribute anything of any value to families which is in great contrast to the many unsung hero's who frequent this place."

One question Wayne, what did you contribute to YOUR family? Maybe we should ask your ex wife and son that? You're an ass.


divorce doctor said...

So is this this the little turd who pirated my EBook

Phoenix said...

Brian it was most likely Conan/Viking/Peter Saxon and the guys from Shared Parenting Council. The guys you want are:
Lindsay Jackel AKA Matrix and Dad4life etc

Wayne Butler AKA Oneringrules etc

Peter Saxon AKA Conan/Viking/Sneakydevil etc

Michael Green AKA Agog/Sisyphus etc

Barry Williams

divorce doctor said...

so who is uncle buck?

Phoenix said...

Uncle Buck is an ex cop named Rick Torning.

divorce doctor said...

"They set up [sic]because they got funding from the government in excess of $750,000"

but that was the Howard govt, as Cash for Comment, correct? Or has Rudd topped up the Kity?

My hunch was always the advert on Ruddock site to say anyone wanting > 80 grand handout needed to pass all manner of "good guy, PC tests", but in fact what it said was any freak could get 79 grand, as long as they sung to the Howard songbook [and pirated MY book].

The big clue was all of a sudden these long time mortal enemies became as one boys choir, singing their little hearts out in their newly formed Punch & Judy show, with heaps of Glove Puppets.

Can you confirm this or say otherwise?

Phoenix said...

They're still essentially the same group of guys that have been around for years. There is still a lot of infighting (predictable) and a lot of the other groups think SPCA has sold out on them because they choose to suck up to the government and also because they take credit for the changes to the Act (shared parental responsibility which was NOT what they wanted but still they typically overstate any perceived achievement to pump up their own egos.)
Regarding funding, we have a current investigation underway but do know that despite the familylawwebguide constantly bleating that they do it ALL voluntarily and how everyone should be grateful for the website, they get significant funding from the government. Just another lie they tell. Other groups like DIDS and DOTA also get significant government funding due to their so called agenda for mens health and support which is a crock. Fathers4Equality were actively advertising to find any fathers who might need their help, purely to get money that was available. They did not really have any agenda, they just wanted the money.

There is a whole lot more but we're not going to post it here.

divorce doctor said...

well reason I ask is not just curiosity but to know who to nominate as Respondents to my application.

Of course I can try FOI but I know I will just get run around, so any real proof can only help the cause.

please email me if you wish

divorce doctor said...

Oh yeah to reply to "still in-fighting", I am sure that is correct, espec with FatArse in the mix, but my point was once they dun the deal with Ruddock they were very careful to bite their tongues and SEEM to be as one, espec on the CSA matters, like even accepting good old Grant T as their second best friend to do a jolly article on "have good fun with the new formula"

It was all just tooooo, ... errrr "gay" to be true

divorce doctor said...

Regarding funding, we have a current investigation underway

well my 2 cents worth says value for [J Doe's] dollar will always rest with the quango who was given the taxpayer's funds to "do things to help the Bogans"

So your path would be if FLWG actually accepted funding but then made it a closed shop [as they did]. like you had to be a member to post and they said who was allowed to be one, eg me as Nicholson lasted one day.

So I can give you all the proof you would need re being excluded for say 90% of the time, particularly at election time.

But seems Rudd has recently seen the folly in that and has read the riot act that they must allow guests to post and must not just delete the posts.

You will 2 recent posts re maintenance trusts and costs where they have been extremely careful, albeit they have blocked any follow up posts.

Like the manpower and skill just to keep little old me from telling the truth to the mushrooms [albeit very few] if employed in Ruddock's former job would see bin Laden captured in a week - lol

Phoenix said... is owned by Diversitech Products Pty Ltd and Louimax Aust Pty Ltd.
The directors are Wayne Richard Butler, Frank Norman Butler, and Shayle Gordon Clark.

You already know who the Shared Parenting Council of Australia are and who the members are and Peter Saxon/Conan and Linsday Jackel are both founding members.

The bottom line (and reason for this blog) is that Shared Parenting Council and FLWg are deceitful and deliberate liars and will do anything to mislead the government, the CSA and the public, all in the name of power and ego and nothing at all to do with the children like they hide behind.
We have nothing but scorn for any of them.

Phoenix said...

Now that they have been exposed they have lost most of their traffic and they must be hurting, plus everything on that site is censored or edited and manipulated to deceive the users. They have let a few posts obviously from mothers through to try to portray themselves as a "family" site but it is all contrived.
The whole site is a hate site and therefore contravenes the HREOC requirements.

divorce doctor said...

"The whole site is a hate site and therefore contravenes the HREOC requirements"

with the greatest of respect, the whole feminist revolution since Greer 1969 is based on HATE, AND the HREOC was virtually created to PROPOGATE that hate.

In fact the Equal Oppor Tribunal was axed by Howard when a blike won the famous Hairy Legged Lesbian case, and ditto Bryant was moved out of FMS when she made one judgment against the CSA.

So if you want to PROSECUTE under that you will use the FMS, correct?

But one of the main deals Howard made in CFC was FLWG had to be that "CongoLine of Suckholes" to the FMS and I have already mentioned Grant T "Rotwieller" as being "on loan" from his dual jobs at CSA and FMS.

And there is Tom Abalone FM they call Uncle Tom, as well as Pepe the Pew at FCA who they love and adore.

IMHO you have buckleys unless as I say you go em on retraction of services TO the taxpayer. "Fairness" is a nothing word in this corrupt world.

As I say at least Rudd is smart enough to see his own arse is hanging out if he gives funds to those why then retract the services contracted.

Phoenix said...

Brian, you've read the site and you know we're obviously not allied to the Mens Rights Movement. We appreciate you have a gripe with some of the men from FLWG and SPCA.
That is what we have in common and we were happy to have helped you with information.
Our mission is not to instigate legal action against these morons, merely to expose them.

divorce doctor said...

OK, but what is "the current investigation"

is it FOI?

divorce doctor said...

well seems your friends have got braver all of a sudden [I pushed their buttons by replying here]. My latest reply in the "hubby got redundant" thread HAS been deleted.

Point is I told him of the CSA of "making an estimate" on the phone [a scam I have beaten many times in court for blokes] so it had to be hidden.

and of course I have been blocked from any more comment

so I will depose any of that in your investigation if needed. As I say, it was OK for the DOTA forum to to that as it was not taxpayer funded, but this one IS

Phoenix said...

Michael Green is all over this blog every day. He copies it into the Familylawwebguide private section for the benefit of the others to read. They try not to send too much traffic here because they know it drives up our search rankings. Most people come here anyway. You would be surprised at how many check in from work, very naughty!

Michael Green does not like to be challenged or made a fool of (a pity it is so easy as in his recent post chastising a user for writing in text speak just because he didn't understand what they meant, fool)and is very vindictive so it does not surprise us that they will delete whatever you write. Just another example of the inapropriate censorship. If they don't agree with it, there it goes.

Be careful too as we have reason to suspect they are supplying the CSA with IP addresses to match up with any online users of the Child Support Agency. So anyone who speaks out against the CSA or posts information about how to avoid CS could be reported by SPCA in order to suck up to the CSA.

They're not our friends. We choose honest people to be friends with, not people who con money and then lie to their members.

divorce doctor said...

my friend,

I don't have any issues with Green et al cept the piracy. To me, all these people are red herrings and you will have read my book on red herrings.

What I would like to know is if they got a top up by Rudd or are each still living on the [tax free] 80 grand handout from Howard?

Phoenix said...

What makes you think the Government funding was only $80,000. We have evidence that it was a minimum of $750,000. Most likley a whole lot more but that is part of our investigation and we will reveal all when the information is to hand.

divorce doctor said...

no I clearly said "each", per

"each still living on the [tax free] 80 grand handout from Howard"

that was the genius of Howard, ie give each of those vying for "peak body status" [or fat in lindsays case] and they will sing like canaries to Howard songbook - and they DID

ie even the total at 750 grand as you say was 0.0003% of the 2.3 BILLION handed out to "wimmens studies" [figures from Dr Kelso CQU]