Thursday, February 5, 2009


It is supremely satisfying and reassuring that the flow of traffic and posts to www.familylawwebguide has slowed to a death march pace. It seems people are waking up to the real agenda of the site and realise despite the overuse of the word family all over the site, that it is purely for the miltant Fathers Rights campaigners.
The Shared Parenting Council need to realise that people do not like being lied to, they do not like being duped and they do not like to be patronised (Michael Green we're looking at you).
Let your traffic figures be your guide and let the number of posts alert you to the fact that you are on your way out the door.
The fact that you have lost your funding is also a contributing factor depsite blathering time and again how you all did it voluntarily and everyone should be grateful when the truth was you were getting government funding from Fahscia to churn out that filthy site. We know that you received that government funding under false pretences and that fraud is one of the reasons why you will be required to pay it back.

1 comment:

divorce doctor said...

The fact that you have lost your funding is also a contributing factor depsite blathering time and again how you all did it voluntarily and everyone should be grateful when the truth was you were getting government funding from Fahscia to churn out that filthy site. We know that you received that government funding under false pretences and that fraud is one of the reasons why you will be required to pay it back.


well now, seems my ministerial to AG re book piracy must have worked. Please tell more oh Big Blog