Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What the SPCA is really saying about the Child Support Agency

Peter Marsh State Director SPCA Qld said :

"The damage caused by the CSA Part6A review processes since 1997 has forced me and my children to suffer the effects of losing a home, losing the rented premises of ten years that my children knew, my career, my dignity, my health and my future prospects of self support and finally all contact between my children and myself. The CSA has been and still is the largest obstacle between myself and my children and the largest impediment to the future of my children and myself." Subsequent to these events, and what I can only presume to be out of spite xxxxxx wrote to me falsely portraying that I has resigned from the RAP meetings. Suffice to say, I was never invited back and the most senior of officials had orchestrated my removal as a community representative and stakeholder in the operation of Child Support in this country. These factors are an identifier of the endemic culture of the CSA and throw weight to the proposition that the CSA should be xxxxxxand should be xxxxxxxxxx removed from office and the CSA dismantled. "Catherine Argall and Shiela Bird of the CSA should be sacked from the public service and prevented from holding a position in the public service again."

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