Monday, July 20, 2009

Michael Green an expert on Violent Behaviours After Separation

Wayne Butler crows on familylawwebguide:

Percolo Alio

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dazza said

Does anyone have any idea how having an AVO hanging over you would affect your right to 50/50 shared care?
In respect to courts read up on Shared Parental Responsibility. If you don't get over that threshold it makes it harder for significant contact and you cannot automatically go on to 65DAA equal or substantial time. That is at court. You are in Mediation. The threat of an AVO is one thing but to have one is another. If you have proceedings under way in a Families Court and there is an AVO proceeding it is not significant until there is actually an AVO in place . Then it becomes an issue. The other side will most likely use it against you in any proceedings. Why not? as another court has already determined you are a violent person or otherwise why would they have issued the AVO....

It is interesting reading some of Michael Green's material and other specialists on the different sorts of violent behaviours after separation. Often much is frustration, hostile words, which can lead to more serious physical violence. Step back and take a deep breath. Mediation is the best place to be and make a genuine effort to resolve issues.

We ask when did Michale Green become such an expert on violent behaviours after separation. Was it due to his own experience as we are in receipt of information that says Michael Green has no formal qualification whatsoever in psychology, sociology of psychiatry. What makes him an EXPERT? Is it in his practise of mediation where he fails to declare hs obvious bias towards fathers and men? We are very happy to see the recent changes to accreditation and intend to raise this issue with the AG's office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And what makes you so expert on the situation also. What makes you an expert that all men use the system to avoid child support. You haven't a clue about anything. Your just a self righteous hypocrite who thinks you can control all people. Just like evry other feminist organisation. Social Security, CSA Family Law courts, polititians, Even Fernwood are hypocrites. You are typical that only womens groups but no mens groups. You think men only want kids because of child support but what makes you an expert on this. You don't believe that women only want the children for the free handouts. You don't believe in love or family values. You believe in your own self righteous ideas have no expertise in any of it and invade my privacy like all the other bullshite departments when it isn't your right. You have no moral judgement on equality whatsoever and your idea of equality is for no mens rights at all. Someone like you probably was never suppressed by any womens problems in times past but takes it upon yourself to include men of today for those crimes, when we were never involved either. If you don't think a man has love in his heart then you are a fool who needs to be taught some lessens in life and not disregard all men because of your own self righteous views. In fact anybody denying my own self right to my children or any other right is unequal and needs to be out of the whole situation. They also better abide by my and everyones else human right who can make there own descision and do not need government bodies who are only there for representation not for rule or they may find themselves in a bad situation. People denied there rights especially so many at one time will banned together in war. Lets hope it is only a removal of self righteous know it all and not violent. Keep up your shite you feminist pig. We as equality individual and equality in evry sense of the word not just for a select few who do not promote equality but for there own self will not get what they want in the end. Pay your own way and stop using funds from us to promote your garbage unequal crap