Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Acep74 is officially exposed as a liar.

Acep74/Mandy has been exposed as the typical liar who is actively trying to avoid child support with her whining on the mens rights groups including familylawwebguide (run by the Shared Parenting Council of Australia/Lone Fathers Association/Blackshirts) when she declared on the forum that woe is me she only has $11 left because the dreaded CSA took the rest of her husbands pay. She has already admitted that she has 4 children, her husband has a qualifying income for FTB and other government assistance, so according to Centrelink she will be receiving or has received 4 x $950 plus another $900 minimum. And she is still whinging all over the forum? It is typical of those that try to avoid paying Child support, they will do anything to avoid telling the truth. Familylawwebguide attracts mostly this type of user.

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