Friday, August 8, 2008

Gee Thanks Wayne.

Wayne wrote to all users to help explain what a word meant as we all know all of the readers of that forum are just stupid dolts who couldn't google for the life of them:

Wayne ORR wrote
"I post for clarity a definition of Hyperbole....Hyperbole is a figure of speech which is an exaggeration. Persons often use expressions such as "I nearly died laughing," "I was hopping mad," and "I tried a thousand times." Such statements are not literally true, but people make them to sound impressive or to emphasize something, such as a feeling, effort, or reaction. Hyperboles are common in everyday language and in poetry."

The funny thing is Wayne had to google it himself and obviously didn't know what it was either as what he wrote/cut and pasted comes directly from this page. LMAO

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