Wednesday, August 27, 2008

You have to be disappointed?

Come on FLWG people, you seriously would have to be concerned with the direction the whole website (sorry "Portal" snicker) has taken?
The calibre of posters is extremely poor, the opinions expressed are laughable and the obvious lack of education of some of the key members would all be an embarassment. We're sure that the participation of the Child Support Agency will not be ongoing past the 6 month trial as we know that they will not want to associate themselves with such drivel. They have their reputation to protect and their input to date has been very limited despite posters on the forum quite blatantly posting methods to avoid paying Child Support which is in essence what the whole forum has become. Uneducated, angry, belligerent fathers ranting and whining and posting tips on how to avoid paying for the children they fathered. Oh and Artemis, the know it all, who is consistently uninformed and mostly completely wrong but just loves to put her 2 cents in, no matter what the topic.
You've all managed to chase away anyone with a conflicting opinion to those of the Mens Rights groups.

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