Friday, August 29, 2008


Agog wrote:

"Why this preponderance of using names from mythology on this site? I can undertand the senior moderator because his name describes his task so well."

Agog did you forget again that you are Sisyphus? Have you ever read Camus, where he says that Sisyphus was the "absurd hero" forever pushing the rock up the hill?

Camus says
"If this myth is tragic, that is because its hero is conscious. Where would his torture be, indeed, if at every step the hope of succeeding upheld him? The workman of today works everyday in his life at the same tasks, and his fate is no less absurd. But it is tragic only at the rare moments when it becomes conscious. Sisyphus, proletarian of the gods, powerless and rebellious, knows the whole extent of his wretched condition: it is what he thinks of during his descent. The lucidity that was to constitute his torture at the same time crowns his victory. There is no fate that can not be surmounted by scorn.

Wikipaedia says:

"Sisyphus promoted navigation and commerce, but was avaricious and deceitful, violating the laws of hospitality by killing travelers and guests. He took pleasure in these killings because they allowed him to maintain his dominant position."

Describes you to a tee doesn't it!!!
Agog/Sisyphus/Michael Green discard the arrogance and realise that you are nothing more than an absurdity!

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