Saturday, August 9, 2008

Gotta love the fighting in the Mens Groups.

Sadly it's a feature of any organised Mens Group" and FLWG hasn't escaped from the aggression and in-fighting that is inevitable when you put a bunch of angry, bitter men together.

Hopefully this site is on the way out like so many Mens Groups before it.
Applause please for Dad4life, LifeInsight, No Justice et al for their help in this very important work.


Anonymous said...

That's quite amusing considering that it is not even close to rivalling the in-house bitching on 'angry' single mothers' sites...


Phoenix said...

Never been on a "single Mothers" site but you obviously have been.
Not sure if you know but it's really hard to take you seriously due to your use of emoticons. Something tells us you frequent a lot of forum sites and probably like texting and most likely scrapbooking?