Saturday, August 9, 2008

So much raw material, so little time!!

Dad4life/Matrix/Lindsay snarled in response to SoleMother:

"Your disagreement with, and hostility towards, me are noted.'Child support' is bigger and broader than you or I and you need to expand your horizons, considerations and understandings and see the big picture.I won't be looking in your wardrobe love. And I don't dye my hair; it is a vanity and extravagance that only leads to regrowth.There are many men who see beyond the shallowness of fading beauty and children, so perhaps your problem is attitudinal and that may be what is keeping men away.As it happens I do get out whenever I chose. After many years of caring for my now adult child I have more freedom. You will too, if you are patient and not so self-focussed.If it was your choice to end your family and take the children away from their father then yes, you should be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions and get a job and support yourself and the children. That is the honest, decent and fair thing to do ... Don't you think? ... For people to accept responsibility for their actions. (Allegations of abuse will not be taken seriously until we hear his side of the story.)If you are in the minority of separated women who didn't chose to end their families then you have my commiserations and understanding. I recognise that both men and women can do wrong. I do not support unfaithful men abandoning their families and I believe they should provide support as a consequence of their choice and actions. (I do note that some men are chased away by neglect and abuse and that that is different to desertion.)As to reality, the child support, Centrelink and 'disablity' allowances, etc. 'income' of many separated and single mothers equals or exceeds that of the separated or single father. And few women with children are homeless. The State sees to that. No one wants to see homeless children - and women leverage that to their advantage."

We comment: Patronising, bitter, vitriolic, nasty and biased are all words that apply to your reply Lindsay. Sure you are vain Linsday, that's why you post pictures of movie stars on your are not a hunky blond with tanned skin, the reality is you look like a garden gnome. (PS I don't blame you for not posting a picture of is understandable.)
Oh and you won't believe a woman's post alleging physical abuse without hearing HIS side of the story? Really Lindsay? You are a pig. We understand your bitterness though because your wife left you for another woman. It is the ultimate blow to a man's ego is it not?

Spot the real photo.


Anonymous said...

That's some real hatred you show there Ms. Especially seeing the forum you babble on about is so helpful. Oh and thanks for pointing it out, I know quite a few friends who's partners are going through this shit. Anyhow some advice for you, get to the shrink and have your problem seen to, show the world you care a little about others.


Phoenix said...

Artemis you're really on a roll with your amateur psychology lately,and your qualifications are?